What is Cranke Calls?

I can’t even begin to express my gratitude for all the love and attention the new website and Facebook page got over the last 24 hours. We’re at nearly a hundred followers on Facebook and some very nice comments from those who read the first post. Thanks to all of you.

Some of you have asked me “What is Cranke Calls?”. Let me explain. For those that might not know, I published an entertainment magazine called Stillwater Scene from 2001-2016. I literally started it from scratch because I loved local entertainment and, at the time, there was no central location to find out who was playing where on any given night. I published that magazine every month, primarily by myself, for 15 years.

Without getting into too many details now, my life changed drastically in 2015. A particular event completely flipped my life upside down. I struggled to keep the magazine going for nearly another year, but it just wasn’t the same. Often, when I had finished editing a magazine and sent it to print, I had a sense of pride having completed yet another issue. I was normally particularly proud of a certain article or interview that was included and I was excited for it to be read by others. The last year of publication, I didn’t feel that pride. I was just plugging through the motions to get it done. It wasn’t that I didn’t love entertainment anymore or the people involved locally, it was just that my heart had been ripped open and I didn’t know how to process that love anymore for public understanding. Finally, one day, I sat down at my computer and opened up the general blank layout of the magazine. I stared at it for probably two hours and then I realized it wasn’t going to exist anymore. I shut down the computer and walked away and that was the end of Stillwater Scene.

Personally, over the last three years, I have had a pretty severe battle with depression, stemming from the event in 2015 and its aftermath. Depression is a difficult thing to describe to those that have never experienced it themselves. It comes from the darkness and overtakes your body, mind and soul. I didn’t want to do anything during that period. I didn’t want to write. I didn’t want to eat. I didn’t want to see anyone. I had the distraction of hosting karaoke on a semi-regular basis and that was my only outlet. I let everything else fade away and it was because of the depression. I could go on further about this, but I think I’ll save it for another article down the road. In short, depression is a nasty little monster and should never be dismissed. Keep an eye out on your friends, no matter how happy they may pretend to be.

Over the last few months, I’ve started feeling a little more like myself and have been writing more. I’ve focused mostly on screenplays, since that used to be a big part of my life in the 90s. I’ve also been developing ideas for new businesses and improvements to Karaoke with Jared and Friends. Those will be revealed in due time, my friends. But one thing I realized is that I missed writing for many to read. I missed writing articles that made people think, discuss and learn about new things or people.

So, here we are. That is what inspired Cranke Calls. Future articles will cover a wide range of topics including entertainment, local events and commentary, profiles, some personal stories about myself, and even politics occasionally. I know that might concern some of you, but I’m stating it right now: we may have different political ideas and beliefs, but I will not tolerate attacking someone on this website or accompanying Facebook page for having different viewpoints. If you want to politely discuss said differences, that is fine but use reputable facts ONLY to support your argument. Memes do not count as news as much as insults do not count as common decency. Basically, keep it civil. If you don’t agree with what I write or what someone comments, you don’t have to respond at all. Just move on with your life and I’ll move on with mine. If something I post angers you so much, unfollow the page and never come back. That’s fine with me. But if you intend to debate the topic, keep it civil or I’ll remove you myself.

Anyway, let’s have fun, people and again thank you for the overwhelming support over the launch of this exciting enterprise. I don’t think I’ll write something everyday, but my goal is to eventually be producing three quality articles per week minimum. Stay tuned, folks. It only gets more interesting from here.

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